Literally 8 days before the first mandated COVID-19 lockdown we shot a campaign for Fiora Paper Products. It was a fun campy group of images that were paired with simple tag lines the likes of “Smart feels good!”
We shot these in a central Los Angeles studio in tandem with a commercial shoot for the products (something we do quite a bit). While the commercial production had a ton to do in a limited amount of time, we opted (in support of them) to shoot plates of the two sets and do all of our talent shots in an adjoining space to as to maximize their time with the sets & talent.
We got a TON of great images with talent and with the subsequent lockdown we had plenty of time to finesse things in post production. After elects we made and set plates were cleaned up we were ready to dig in and start compositing. We wound up with about a dozen hero’s (give or take) and were not only anxious to deliver them but also to share them out in the world!
“Put the brakes on that!!”
Remember what was happening at the beginning of the COVID lockdown? There were massive runs on all paper products… Toilet Paper, Tissue, Paper Towels.. everything! Why on EARTH would anyone want or need to spend any money on advertising these products when they can’t even keep any on the shelves?!
Flash forward 6+ months, to the end of 2020, and FINALLY the new campaign launched! We were finally able to post and share the imagery and the new Fiora website splashed on the scene. The imagery is still in use and we hope to be able to produce more quirky imagery for them in the near future!