Was off shooting a quick corporate job today and again made use of one of my favorite lighting tools!
About 15 years ago I went to a surplus store on Santa Monica and Vine and purchased an old equipment parachute for $60.
It is pure white nylon and 12′ x 24′. I folded it in half so that it is twice as diffused and 12′ x 12′. I tied big knots where the two corners meet.
I take it with me to every shoot all scrunched up in a small nylon bag I got from a sporting goods store (used for sleeping bags I think). And more often than not I pull it out, hang it up between two c-stands and either diffuse sunlight or aim two stobe heads through it towards my subject(s). It’s wonderfully soft, flattering light. Very much like window light. I would venture to guess that I use this maybe 50% of the time when shooting people. You can actually see a video clip that shows me using it here.
I have learned from my assistants that these are harder and harder to find. But well worth the (certainly more expensive these days) investment should you find one!
Off on another road trip tomorrow so catch up with you on Monday!